Golden Spike
on the Origin of an Image Language

This beautiful printed full colour book with a 150 photo’s, is divided in 16 chapters.

“The book is made up of layers, like the Earth’s layers, and each chapter has a different colour. She isn’t penetrating the Earth, but is going deeper into her life of art. Geology is the theme running through her work. She unwinds the balls of wool and plays with them as she continues her journey, her Odyssey.”
The preface is written by the palaeontologist dr. John de Vos and the epilogue by dr. Jelle Reumer, professor university of Utrecht.

To order mail: The English text is included in a separate leaf.
Price (exclusive mailing) € 50,- bank account: NL 13 INGB 0006 3015 85 in the name of Kunstenaarspraktijk Elsbeth Pluimers, Amsterdam